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ACS Alarm Communication System Manage emergencies by automating response processes

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ACS activates either automatically or manually, depending on the severity, the pre-established intervention and recovery procedures, automates the management of all related communications, supports and monitors the activities carried out by members of Crisis Teams, Care Teams, Operational Groups in charge of specific functions. In addition, the architecture developed by IFM guarantees system availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days and can be delivered either on-premise or in the cloud.

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ACS activates either automatically or manually, depending on the severity, the pre-established intervention and recovery procedures, automates the management of all related communications, supports and monitors the activities carried out by members of Crisis Teams, Care Teams, Operational Groups in charge of specific functions. In addition, the architecture developed by IFM guarantees system availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days and can be delivered either on-premise or in the cloud.

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Advanced features and functionality

Incident workflow


ACS, thanks to the provision of the Incident Workflow, guarantees the constant monitoring of the environments and of what happens in the area to which it is assigned thanks to the correlation of the various indicators in input; it then establishes the priority scale of the problems and therefore suggests and activates directly the predefined interventions.

Discover the benefits



  • Incident Notification: the notification can come either from a human interaction (voice call, email, SMS, ...) or from an automatic device or signaling system .
  • Incident Evaluationonce the alarm is received and routed to the operations center, ACS provides the tools to correctly classify the severity of the event and activate the most effective procedure
  • Incident Management: once the crisis team is activated, ACS supports team members to execute tasks through specific checklists and workflows
  • Crisis Closure: Once the crisis is over, the ability to edit any crisis related items (alarm information form, checklists, communication log, event log) is disabled and all related documents, logs and registrations are consolidated into a storage area for future reference.

ACS Core


ACS web interface, fully customizable and configurable, offers an organized access to the main functions and allows to manage and historicize the communications during the management of Incidents in Omnichannel mode. 

Discover the benefits



  • ACS connects with the Customer's Active Directory to manage the system's users. An import process takes care of inserting new users, updating existing ones, and disabling those no longer in AD. Phone numbers and email are the most important information to allow automatic engagement in case of escalation.
  • Omnichannel Management:
    • Voice - engagement with automated audio calls via IVR and/or Voicebot
    • e-Mail - automatic sending to team members, stakeholders, third parties involved (e.g. Law Enforcement)
    • Instant Messaing - SMS, Whatsapp e Telegram (mass alerting)
    • Web Mobile APP - where it is necessary to provide full access to ACS also via smartphone.
  • ACS allows to produce document templates for the automatic generation and compilation of content related to an Incident to be sent via email to stakeholders or to be used for external communications.

Shifts & Procedures modules


ACS has been designed to guarantee a 360° control of the incident management: through the web interface it is possible to organize shifts, teams and tasks that will have to manage the incident on field.

Discover the benefits



  • Shifts module: each Role, for which the profiling level can be defined in detail, is composed of one or more Teams that are the real operational unit managed by ACS. The Teams are associated to the objects to manage (Location, Building, Ship, etc). Through the interface it is possible to compose the Teams and define a priority of engagement of each member.
  • Procedures module: ACS allows the management of additional tasks with respect to the ordinary workflows to be assigned in real-time to Roles or individual users of the system, notifying them by multiple channels at the opening with all the necessary information.

People Management & GEO location modules


ACS grazie alla sua completa integrazione con sorgenti esterne via Web Services, API, scambio file, permette la raccolta di liste di persone coinvolte nella crisi ed offre la possibilità di geolocalizzare persone ed assets su mappe geografiche (outdoor) o mappe indoor a seconda delle specifiche esigenze del Cliente.

Discover the benefits



  • Integration with Customer systems with polling / file exchange frequency configured as needed
  • Possibility of including geolocation information related to the people or assets involved in the document templates.
  • Management of a broad spectrum of users/customers lists involved: mass alerting.